Lauren Chan Advocates Body Acceptance and Reveals Clothing Production Insights



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05 OCT 2023

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Instagram/lcchan and Sports Illustrated Swimsuits 

Lauren Chan's Valuable Message Lauren Chan, a SI Swimsuit rookie and luxury clothing brand founder, shares eye-opening insights on clothing production.

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Clothing Isn't Designed for Everyone Chan highlights that clothing is not intended to fit everyone. Brands create garments based on a single fit model, setting unrealistic standards.

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One-Size-Fits-None Approach Brands craft samples to fit this model's measurements, labeling them as "average" or "desirable" for their target audience. It's not inclusive.

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Automated Sizing Process Clothing sizes are determined by machines and computers, often without considering real people's diverse body types.

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Stop Blaming Ourselves Chan urges us not to blame ourselves when clothing doesn't fit perfectly. It's the garments that need adjustment, not our bodies.

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Embrace Alterations Instead of changing our bodies to fit clothes, we should embrace alterations to make clothing suit our unique shapes and sizes.

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Empowering Self-Acceptance Lauren Chan's message empowers individuals to embrace their bodies and reject unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by the fashion industry.

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Shift in Perspective By understanding the flaws in clothing production, we can shift our perspective and demand inclusivity and better sizing options in fashion.

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