White Scribbled Underline

Top 8 Worst Mothers of the Animal Kingdom: Unveiling Nature's Cruelest Parenting 


July 20, 2023

White Scribbled Underline

Harp seal moms show intense dedication for the first twelve days, ensuring their pups' survival. However, once the feeding phase ends, they abruptly sever the mother-child bond, leaving the young ones to fend for themselves. 

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Cuckoos are crafty tricksters, laying their eggs in other birds' nests. They outsource parenting to unwitting foster parents, allowing them to live the carefree single life. 

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House sparrow moms harbor a sinister side. They locate nests of other females sired by their mate and ruthlessly eliminate the resulting chicks, securing a monopoly on their partner's offspring. 

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Despite often giving birth to twins, panda mothers almost never raise more than one cub. They focus their energy on nurturing a single offspring, leaving the other to perish. 

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Black eagle mothers maintain a hands-off approach to parenting. They refrain from intervening in their chicks' life-and-death struggles, allowing them to face nature's harsh trials alone. 

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Mother Darwin frogs take desertion to another level. Once their tadpoles hatch, they abandon them to survive independently, a cold-hearted tactic for ensuring their species' survival. 

Claudio Azat, Universidad Andres Bello, Chile

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Dracula ants have a gruesome parenting strategy. They feed on their own offspring's blood, a shocking display of maternal cannibalism. 

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Sexton beetle moms lay their eggs on or near decaying animal carcasses. They raise their young by feeding them directly from the dead body, a morbid nursery for their offspring. 

Picture by Calle Eklund/V-wolf