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Introduction "Devil Comet"
The night sky never ceases to amaze us with its celestial wonders, and this summer is no exception. Brace yourselves, stargazers, because the “Devil Comet,” formally known as Comet 12/P Pons-Brooks, is making a dramatic entrance into our inner solar system. While it poses no threat to our planet, this cosmic wanderer, sporting distinctive “horns” of gas and ice, promises to put on a mesmerizing show as it approaches its closest encounter with Earth in June 2024. In this blog, we’ll delve into the intriguing world of comets, explore the captivating history of Comet 12/P Pons-Brooks, and reveal how you can witness this once-in-a-lifetime event.
A Devilish Delight in the Night Sky
Comet enthusiasts and amateur astronomers, get ready for a cosmic treat of epic proportions. Comet 12/P Pons-Brooks, affectionately dubbed the “Devil Comet” due to its unique appearance, is currently hurtling through the inner solar system, on a course that will bring it tantalizingly close to Earth this summer. The good news? This celestial visitor is not a harbinger of doom; rather, it offers a rare opportunity for skywatchers to witness a spectacular event.
Mark your calendars for June 2, 2024, when the “Devil Comet” will pass closest to Earth. If the conditions are just right, and the skies are dark enough, this comet might be visible to the naked eye, becoming a beacon in the night sky. The last time it graced our skies was 71 years ago, and we won’t have another chance for that long.
But why is it called the “Devil Comet,” you ask? Well, it’s all about its distinctive appearance. This celestial wanderer features two striking “horns” of gas and ice, a sight that has captured the imagination of skywatchers and astronomers alike. These “horns” are not permanent; they appear when the comet undergoes outbursts, causing it to brighten significantly and emit clouds of gas and icy debris that resemble two matching horns. Some have even likened its post-eruption look to the iconic Millennium Falcon starship from the “Star Wars” franchise.
Capturing the Devil's Beauty
Amateur astronomer and retired University of Arizona professor Eliot Herman managed to capture stunning images of Comet 12/P Pons-Brooks and its devilish horns using remote telescopes in Utah. This comet consists of a core composed of dust, gas, and ice, surrounded by a bright gas cloud known as a coma. When the Sun’s radiant heat and solar radiation affect the comet’s core, it can trigger these awe-inspiring outbursts. These icy eruptions are believed to be the source of the comet’s temporary horns. The comet’s structure plays a crucial role in how these gas and ice clouds appear from Earth, creating the illusion of horns when observed through ground-based telescopes.
However, the exact processes behind these mysterious eruptions are not yet fully understood. Herman notes, “By observing this more intensely, we might resolve this question, and there is a community of observers who are studying this.” So, this summer’s celestial event could offer valuable insights into the enigmatic behavior of comets.
A Long History of Intrigue
Comet 12/P Pons-Brooks was first discovered in 1812 by French astronomer Jean-Louis Pons, marking the beginning of its journey into the annals of astronomical history. It made a subsequent appearance in 1883, when astronomer William Brooks observed it. Now, it’s about to return for its close encounter with Earth, offering scientists and astronomers a golden opportunity to study this remarkable celestial traveler.
This year’s timing aligns perfectly with a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. During this period, Comet 12/P Pons-Brooks will be in proximity to the Sun and may become bright enough to be visible without the aid of telescopes. Eliot Herman, who is eagerly anticipating the event, stated, “The NASA SOHO space probe captures images from space of comets close to the Sun, many per year, but seeing one with the eye close to the sun is impossible unless there is an eclipse, and there will be. I will be in Texas and hope to see it and photograph it.”
Comet vs. Asteroid: What's the Difference?
Before we continue our celestial journey with Comet 12/P Pons-Brooks, let’s clarify a common question: What’s the difference between comets and asteroids?
Comets and asteroids are both celestial objects orbiting the Sun, but they differ in their composition and appearance. Asteroids are primarily composed of metals and rocky materials, while comets consist of a mixture of ice, dust, rocky materials, and organic compounds. When comets approach the Sun, they start to heat up, causing their ice to turn into gas. This process can lead to the emission of jets of gas along with dust, forming a bright, fuzzy cloud called the coma. As dust and gases stream away from the comet, they create the signature tail that stretches behind it for millions of miles. Asteroids, on the other hand, remain solid even when they are near the Sun and do not have tails.
A Cosmic Dance: The World of Comets
To truly appreciate the marvel of Comet 12/P Pons-Brooks, it’s essential to understand the fascinating world of comets. Comets are large celestial objects made up of dust and ice that orbit the Sun, and they are known for their long, radiant tails. These captivating phenomena are thought to be remnants from the formation of our solar system, dating back a staggering 4.6 billion years.
Most comets are found in two primary regions of our solar system: the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud. The Kuiper Belt is a wide disk located beyond the orbit of Neptune, while the Oort Cloud forms a vast, spherical outer boundary of our solar system, situated approximately 50 times farther from the Sun than the Kuiper Belt. The core of a comet, known as the nucleus, is a solid, frozen entity typically measuring less than 10 miles in diameter.
When comets reside in the Kuiper Belt or the Oort Cloud, they are believed to consist primarily of these frozen nuclei. However, as they approach the Sun, they undergo a fascinating transformation. The Sun’s warmth begins to heat the comet’s nucleus, turning the ice into gas. This process can trigger gas jets and bursts of dust from the comet, which, in turn, create the distinctive coma and tail that we associate with comets.
This celestial dance between a comet and the Sun results in the beautiful display we see from Earth. As the dust and gases stream away from the nucleus, they are pushed into a radiant tail, which can stretch for millions of miles, leaving a breathtaking trail of stardust in the night sky.
Our Solar System

Photo: Freepik
A Glorious History of Comet Sightings
Comets have captured human imagination and wonder for centuries, with countless sightings etching their names in the annals of history. Here are a few of the most renowned comets that have graced our skies:
- Halley’s Comet: Undoubtedly one of the most famous comets, Halley’s Comet makes a periodic visit to Earth every 75-76 years. Its last appearance in 1986 left an indelible mark on the world, and it is expected to return in 2061.
- Comet Hale-Bopp: Discovered in 1995, Comet Hale-Bopp illuminated our night skies for an astounding 18 months, earning its reputation as one of the brightest comets visible from Earth in the past century.
- Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9: In 1994, this comet captivated our attention when it collided with Jupiter, generating a series of massive explosions visible from our planet.
- Comet McNaught: Discovered in 2006, Comet McNaught was a dazzling sight, visible to the naked eye even during daylight hours. It sported a long, radiant tail that left onlookers in awe.
- Comet ISON: Discovered in 2012, Comet ISON was anticipated to be one of the brightest comets of the decade. However, it disintegrated as it approached the Sun, thwarting the hopes of skywatchers.
Naming the Wanderers of the Sky
Throughout history, comets have held a special place in the hearts and minds of humans. These celestial wanderers have been observed for over 2,000 years, and various systems have been used to assign names to each comet. The simplest approach involved naming comets based on the year in which they were observed, such as the “Great Comet of 1680.” Later, a convention arose of using the names of individuals associated with the discovery or initial detailed study of each comet.
In the twentieth century, technological advancements and dedicated searches led to an explosion in comet discoveries, prompting the creation of a numeric designation system. This system assigns a code based on the comet’s orbit type and the date of its discovery, as exemplified by “C/2012 S1.” Additionally, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) frequently assigns a standard name to comets. This name typically reflects the discoverer’s name or names, and when a comet only possesses a provisional designation, the “name” is usually parenthetically included after this designation.
Be a Comet Hunter: Anyone Can Discover!
You might be wondering, can anyone discover a new comet? The answer is a resounding yes! However, it requires patience, dedication, and the right equipment. The simplest way to find a new comet or asteroid is to search for dim-shifting objects that move across the sky over the course of an evening or a few days. Armed with a telescope or binoculars, you can explore the night sky and keep an eye out for these fascinating objects.
Once you’ve spotted a potential new comet, you can report your discovery to the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Minor Planet Center (MPC). This institution is responsible for collecting and disseminating positional measurements and orbits for all known asteroids and comets. If your discovery is confirmed, you’ll earn the credit for its detection and even have the privilege of naming it.
So, whether you’re an experienced astronomer or just someone with a passion for the cosmos, the next celestial discovery might be closer than you think. Keep your eyes on the night sky and let the wonders of the universe inspire you.
Witnessing the Devil's Dance
As we look forward to June 2, 2024, when Comet 12/P Pons-Brooks will pass closest to Earth, remember to mark your calendar and prepare for a celestial spectacle. The “Devil Comet” may be visible to the naked eye, offering a captivating display of its distinctive “horns” and its mysterious outbursts. Don’t miss the chance to witness this cosmic dance between Earth and Comet 12/P Pons-Brooks, as it provides a unique opportunity to delve into the fascinating world of comets and their enigmatic behavior.
Whether you’re an amateur astronomer eager to capture the Devil Comet’s beauty through your telescope or a casual skywatcher fascinated by the wonders of the night sky, this celestial event promises to leave a lasting impression on all who are fortunate enough to witness it. So, keep your eyes on the stars, and prepare to be mesmerized by the Devil Comet’s heavenly performance this summer.