1. The Soaring Growth of Wind Energy
Wind energy has recently made headlines and for good reason! Studies and reports reveal its remarkable growth and potential. For the first time, wind and solar generated 10% of global power in 2021. According to Ember, a climate and energy think tank, fifty countries now derive over 10% of their power from wind and solar sources.
2. Wind Energy's Record Growth in the United States
The United States witnessed a record-breaking surge in wind energy in 2020, with wind becoming the leading source of new additions to the nation’s electric-generating capacity. Market reports from the U.S. Department of Energy provide insights into wind development, technology, cost, and performance through the end of 2020 (including offshore wind data through May 2021).
3. The Powerhouse Figures: U.S. Wind Energy Installations
In 2020, the United States installed a stunning 16,836 megawatts (MW) of wind power, increasing the total to 121,955 MW. Notably, for the first time in several years, wind power installations outperformed solar power installations, drawing a stunning $24.6 billion in investment. Wind currently produces more than 10% of power in 16 states, including Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and North Dakota, where it contributes more than 30%.
4. Driving Forces: Improved Technology and Cost Efficiency
Wind energy capacity is expanding due to extraordinary advances in technology and cost-effectiveness. Wind power innovations have resulted in the deployment of bigger, more powerful turbines. The average nameplate capacity of newly installed wind turbines stands at 2.75 MW—an impressive 8% increase from 2019 and a remarkable 284% rise since 1998−1999.
5. Offshore Wind Power's Role in Decarbonizing Energy
As we seek cleaner energy supplies, offshore wind power plays a vital role. A study on wind power in China emphasizes the need to double investment levels by 2030. Long-term storage and improved transmissions are crucial to accelerating offshore wind developments, making it a key player in the decarbonization efforts for 2050.
6. Unleashing the Power: Different Types of Wind Energy
Wind energy comes in various forms, each serving unique purposes:
Utility Scale Wind Energy: These are large-scale wind projects designed to be a source of energy for utilities.
Offshore Wind Energy: Projects planned in coastal waters, generally on a utility-scale.
Small Scale or Distributed Wind: Projects designed for individual homes, farms, or businesses.
Land-Based Wind: Modern wind turbines installed on land.
Offshore Wind: Modern wind turbines installed in the ocean.
Distributed Wind: Small wind turbines installed on individual homes, farms, or businesses.
7. The Spin of Wind Turbines: Horizontal vs. Vertical Axis
Wind turbines can be classified based on their axis of rotation:
Horizontal-axis turbines: Equipped with blades similar to airplane propellers, typically having three blades.
Vertical-axis turbines: Featuring blades attached to the top and bottom of a vertical rotor. The popular Darrieus wind turbine is an example, named after its French inventor, Georges Darrieus.
8. Global Leaders in Embracing Wind Energy
Countries around the world are harnessing the power of wind energy to combat climate change and achieve energy sustainability:
China: A frontrunner, representing a third of global wind energy generation in 2021.
United States: Second-largest wind power consumer worldwide, accounting for approximately 21% of global wind consumption in 2021.
Germany: Achieved a commendable wind power penetration of 21% in 2020.
Spain: Demonstrated significant progress with a wind power penetration of 19% in 2020.
United Kingdom: A strong performer, achieving a wind power penetration of 24% in 2020.
India: An emerging player with a total wind power capacity of 60.40 MW in 2021.
10. Wind Energy's Modern Resurgence
Although wind technology faced a decline with the advent of rural electrification in the 1930s, it made a resounding comeback due to the oil shortages of the 1970s. Seeking alternative energy sources, the U.S. federal government supported the research and development of large wind turbines.
11. Policy-Driven Growth
Wind turbines were widely installed in California throughout the 1980s, owing partly to favorable federal and state laws promoting renewable energy sources. Following that, the 1990s and beyond saw an increase in wind turbines and wind energy output, with a stunning 10.2% share of U.S. power generation by 2022.
12. The Wind Energy Future: A Journey to a Cleaner World
With recent studies affirming its exponential growth and enormous potential, wind energy continues to ride the wave of clean energy. We may expect even more significant improvement in the wind energy sector in the next years provided investments and technical breakthroughs continue.