Erin Napier Says She ‘Cannot Stand’ This One Decorating Faux Pas: What’s Yours?

Erin Napier decorating faux pas


Erin Napier, the renowned design expert and star of HGTV‘s beloved show “Home Town,” is celebrated for her Southern charm and her exceptional talent for crafting homes that effortlessly blend style with warmth. In a recent interview, Napier candidly shared her strong aversion to a particular decorating faux pas – the excessive use of bright lights in a house. She explains, “I don’t know why. I mean, there’s a time and place for it. But I don’t like to walk into a house and feel like I’m in a hospital.” Napier, a fervent advocate for natural light, prefers the gentle ambiance created by various lamps and sconces to foster an inviting and relaxed atmosphere within homes.

What is a decorating faux pas?

Before delving further into Erin Napier’s strong disapproval of bright lights in homes, let’s clarify what a decorating faux pas is. A decorating faux pas, often termed a design mistake, refers to choices or arrangements within interior design that are considered to be in poor taste, outdated, or aesthetically displeasing. These errors can disrupt the harmony of a space, diminish its functionality, or detract from its overall appeal.

Common decorating faux pas include:

Using too many clashing patterns or colors: Overloading a space with contrasting patterns or colors can create visual chaos, making the area feel cluttered and overwhelming.

  • Over-furnishing a space: Filling a room with excessive furniture can result in a cramped and claustrophobic atmosphere, hindering movement and comfort.
  • Hanging artwork too high or too low: Incorrectly placed artwork can disrupt the balance and harmony of a room, making it challenging to appreciate the aesthetics.
  • Using the wrong type of lighting: The choice of lighting significantly influences the ambiance of a space. Inappropriate lighting, such as harsh overhead lights, can be jarring and uninviting.
  • Placing furniture in front of windows: Blocking natural light and obstructing scenic views by positioning furniture in front of windows can rob a space of its brightness and charm.

Why is Erin Napier so opposed to bright lights in a house?

Erin Napier’s distaste for bright lights in houses can be attributed to several compelling reasons:

  1. Harsh and Unflattering Lighting: Bright lights, especially harsh overhead lighting, can cast unflattering shadows and emphasize imperfections. This can create an unwelcoming atmosphere within a home, rather than the warm and inviting ambiance Napier aims to achieve.
  2. Sterile and Uninviting: Excessive bright lighting can make a space feel cold and sterile, lacking the cozy and inviting vibe that Napier strives to infuse into her designs.
  3. Sleep Disruption: Exposure to bright lights, particularly at night, can interfere with the body’s production of melatonin, a hormone essential for regulating sleep. This disruption can lead to sleep problems, which Napier likely considers detrimental to a peaceful and restful home environment.
  4. Energy Wastage: Bright lights, particularly older, energy-inefficient bulbs, contribute to unnecessary energy consumption and higher electricity bills. Napier’s eco-consciousness may drive her preference for energy-efficient lighting choices to reduce carbon footprints.

What are some other common decorating faux pas?

While Erin Napier’s aversion to bright lights is noteworthy, it’s essential to be aware of other common decorating faux pas to ensure a well-rounded understanding of interior design pitfalls. Here are a few more to avoid:

  • Using too many clashing patterns or colors: When selecting patterns and colors for your home, aim for a harmonious blend that creates a sense of balance. Avoid excessive contrasting patterns or colors that overwhelm the space.
  • Over-furnishing a space: Adequate space for comfortable movement is crucial in any room. Avoid overcrowding with furniture, as it can make the area feel cramped and uninviting.
  • Hanging artwork too high or too low: Ensure that artwork is hung at eye level, allowing it to be easily appreciated and enhancing the room’s aesthetics.
  • Using the wrong type of lighting: Opt for lighting that complements the room’s purpose and atmosphere. Harsh, overhead lighting should be replaced with softer, diffused options to create a welcoming environment.
  • Placing furniture in front of windows: Windows are valuable sources of natural light and views. Avoid obstructing them with furniture to maintain a bright and scenic living space.

How to avoid decorating faux pas

Now that we’ve explored various decorating faux pas, let’s discuss strategies to steer clear of these design mistakes and create a harmonious living environment:

  1. Do Your Research: Prior to embarking on your decorating journey, invest time in researching different design styles and trends. This knowledge will help you develop a clear vision for your space, reducing the likelihood of common design errors.
  2. Get Inspired: Seek inspiration from diverse sources, including magazines, show homes, and online boards showcasing interior designs. Observing successful design concepts can stimulate your creativity and provide direction for your own space.
  3. Be Mindful of Your Space: Before making purchases, measure your space and create a floor plan. This practical step ensures that furniture fits comfortably and prevents overcrowding, promoting ease of movement.
  4. Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment: Remember that decorating has no rigid rules. Embrace experimentation with different styles and aesthetics. Ultimately, the goal is to curate a space that resonates with your personal preferences and reflects your unique personality.


Erin Napier, the esteemed design expert known for her inviting Southern style, has shared her strong disapproval of bright lights in homes, highlighting them as a common decorating faux pas that can strip a space of warmth and charm. While bright lights may have their place in specific contexts, Napier’s preference for softer, more natural lighting aligns with her vision of creating inviting, comfortable homes.

In addition to bright lights, we’ve explored other common decorating faux pas to be cautious of, such as clashing patterns, over-furnishing, poorly placed artwork, inappropriate lighting, and obstructing windows with furniture.

To steer clear of these design blunders, follow practical tips such as conducting thorough research, drawing inspiration from various sources, planning your space meticulously, and embracing creativity in your decorating journey. Ultimately, the goal is to craft a living space that resonates with your individual style and fosters a welcoming and harmonious atmosphere.

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